Welcome To

Your Purpose

One Minute Mystic

Enlightenment Without Committment

Welcome all New Humans! I am Agni Lakshya which loosely translates to “Determined Fire”, and this is my website for all my spiritual teachings. Within this site, you will discover who you truly are and why you are truly here on this Earth at this specific time. It is a pivotal time in human history, and all the New Humans are here to help usher in the end of an old age and the beginning of a new one. The Age of Aquarius.

All the New Humans have a Purpose in re-building our world into the one we were destined to inherit. Want to know what yours is? Take the test and begin your discovery of this lifetime. It no longer takes decades of commitment to achieve such lofty goals, only a steady practice over a few years.

Spiritual Teachings

Awaken to your true self and learn about the reality that hides within.

Kriya Serpent Yoga

Embrace your Kundalini and find your purpose while realizing true happiness. This ancient technique is being revived during this crucial point in human history to awaken all the New Humans to their purpose.

Cosmic Communication

Look within and you will find a lost connection to the Divine and meet a multitude of spiritual guides to help you on your evolutionary journey to enlightenment.

Universe of Experience and Knowledge

Become a mystic and explore all the Universe has to offer. You will wonder why it took so long to begin this exploration of your true reality.

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." Buddha

Spiritual Purpose

The Awakening

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Who are we really?

We can all wonder who we are or embark on a journey to discover our purpose and our path to real freedom and happiness.

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Are we alone?

Discover a Universe filled with life and intelligence beyond your current thinking. Was our evolution pure happenstance?

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Ancient wisdom abounds.

We seek enlightenment through technology, but true enlightenment has been around for thousands of years. Seek and ye shall receive!

Begin your exploration into the Universe of wonder.