The Test

This test is designed to help you determine if you are a new human for the new age, and you are here because you felt something within trying to escape or manifest but didn’t know what it was. It is your soul, that ethereal part of yourself trying to express itself through you in this lifetime. That is why this world doesn’t feel like it fits. In fact, you may feel like you’re an alien visiting this world that doesn’t feel like home. I have felt that way my whole life!

You are skeptical, and you should be because there are so many things in this world vying for your time, mind, and beliefs. But you are curious, so take one more step and see if this is for you or not. It will not hurt (in fact most like it), and it will not cause you to lose your free will. That is a Universal law that only you control. But if the test indicates you are ready, Kriya Serpent Yoga can help you take the next steps on the journey to unite you with your soul, connect you with the Divine, and find your ultimate purpose in this incarnation.

If you are older than 50, you may not benefit from this test simply because of your age. Many of the older generations are typically filled with people from the dying age of humanity who are stuck in their dogma and resistant to change. That is okay, and we wish them prosperity in what remains of this incarnation and pray they will have a speedy incarnation into the new age we will build. The new humans began manifesting some time ago, but the ones ready to participate in recreating our world will likely have incarnated rather recently.

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This doesn’t mean people of all ages cannot participate in Kriya Serpent Yoga, only that they may not fully access their potential and find their purpose. I am already past 50 and have only begun to tap my full potential, so it is possible you can too if you are a new human. But if you believe this is all hocus-pocus, then Kriya Serpent Yoga is definitely not for you. But take the test, regardless of your age, and see what happens. At the very least, you will learn something about yourself.

So what is really happening with this test? To find your purpose in this incarnation, you first need to look inside and connect with the Divine that is in all of us. For some, they are programmed to ignore the Divine, or fear its voice as something inherently bad or evil. After all, in the old wisdom and dogma of the past several thousand years, we were deemed sinners at birth, and therefore anything that comes from within us, must be associated with sin (i.e. we are inherently evil and must seek outside of ourselves to find redemption).

This philosophy is complete and utter nonsense, but those who benefit from such a sad dogma are never going to let go of their power in favor of the power of the individual. This is the true enlightenment of the new age. The empowerment of the individual, and thus freedom from the chains of the oppressors. We are not born of sin because the Divine made us perfect. Therefore, we only need to fulfill our potential and tap into that state of perfection to access the power and knowledge of the Cosmos. Seek redemption from within. 

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To connect to the Divine within, you need only quiet your monkey mind and let the spirit flow through you and reveal the inner voice of your soul. Yes, your soul, that part of you so many argue about and question. Question if you choose, but you have a soul, a small part of the Divine, made perfect. Your earthly body is but an incarnation to house your soul so you can experience everything life has to offer and discover who you truly are.

We call the spirit within us a subtle energy that flows through the subtle body charging energy points known as Chakras. As the lifeforce begins to activate, it will rise through you and begin to physically and psychically change you, opening up your mind to the Divine within. We call this rising energy the Kundalini, and once it rises, you will never be the same.

There is a process that will take you from where you are now, to the rising of your Kundalini and the beginning of the path to your purpose and your freedom. The process we use is Kriya Serpent Yoga, an ancient yoga of Divine origins. Yes, based on your test and the determined starting point, you will learn this ancient technique that will cause the Kundalini to rise within you sooner than most of the methods prescribed within traditional Yogas.

Though new to the world, it is an ancient technique given to me to help those who are ready for their Kundalini but don’t have decades to study in the hope of accessing it. It is like a short cut into the Kundalini world. It was given to me by mystical masters who only want humanity to reach its fullest potential, and I have been tasked to give it to the world. Once you have traveled down the path for a while, you will also discover their wisdom and how to use it for the benefit of all humanity.

But first, you must prepare yourself, and the test will determine where you currently are on your spiritual journey and where you must begin to move onward. Some of you are not very far along while others are already advanced and may skip forward to more advanced lessons, assuming they have already found their purpose. My purpose is this web site, the Kriya Serpent Yoga book, and The Blueprint book still being developed. However, the first phase of my purpose is to activate and bring together those who will design our new world, and this site, the test, and the techniques described within the Kriya Serpent Yoga book are all designed to accomplish that.

After the Kundalini has risen within you, and rises each day during your meditation practice, you will begin to hear the voice of the Divine. Sometime thereafter, when you are ready, you will experience a vision that will reveal your purpose in this lifetime. A purpose that will bring not only peace and certainty in your life, but a change to those around you as your soul emerges and shines brightly as a beacon to others.

The changes are quite real, and those who have yet to find their purpose will view you in a way you never thought possible. You have heard of following in the footsteps of Jesus, well, this is it. He found his purpose, and you can too (no, we are not Christians here, but Jesus was an enlightened human who found his purpose and changed this world irrevocably). You can change the world, too. This is individual empowerment, and as it spreads across the globe to all humanity, we will see a very real shift from the old age and ancient concepts about reality into that of the new age, and the reality you will help manifest.

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Your personal vision will be something quite incredible, especially if it occurs when you are awake and fully conscious. Mine occurred while I was driving through the Arizona desert after a phone call with a friend. It was a truly mystical experience unlike anything I had ever experienced before. It is usually accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of love and connectedness with something far greater than yourself and this world. It is both humbling and uplifting.

Okay, the symbols at the top of this page have a sound and a meaning associated with them. They are an integral part of the ancient technique I have been tasked to bring into the world for all to learn. The symbols, their sounds, and their meanings are listed below:

Symbol Sound Meaning

Ah Symbol









The test is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

    • Before you begin, please make sure you are relaxed in a quiet place. After exercise is fantastic, but as long as you have not been listening to loud and chaotic music, or just got home from a vigorous day of work, you should be fine. Before bed is great as your body is preparing for sleep. However, if you are too sleepy, maybe wait another day.

    • Begin by sitting comfortably with feet placed on floor and back upright, or lying flat on a soft surface, or sitting in a half or full lotus position. It doesn’t really matter which way you position yourself, though most meditation techniques prefer sitting with back straight. If sitting, place hands comfortably in your lap. If lying down, place them on your belly but not overlapping.

    • Now close your eyes and inhale deeply through the nose before exhaling through the mouth. Repeat this ten (10) times before the next step.

    • Next, you will inhale deeply through the nose as before, but when you exhale, you will intone with your voice the sound of each symbol in the table. It will require four (4) breaths to complete one cycle of this (1 breath for each symbol). Complete ten (10) cycles of this.
        • Breathe in and exhale sounding “Ah”.

        • Breathe in and exhale “Ee.

        • Breathe in and exhale “Ohm”.

        • Breathe in and exhale “Uh”.

  • Intone the sounds as long as you have breath before inhaling again. It should sound like a chant. Complete the sounds in each cycle in the order they are listed within the table. Listen to the mp3 for proper sounding.
  • Pay close attention to the sensations you experience while intoning the sounds. Yes, I know they are like the sounds of the vowels in our languages and I do not think those sounds in our languages are a coincidence considering these symbols and sounds predate our language. Pay attention to each part of your body and what happens when each sound is intoned. Make a mental note of each thing you experience including any visions, vibrations, sounds, muscle tensing, thermal sensations, altered states of consciousness, emotions or stirrings from within.
  • When done with the ten (10) cycles, write down all the sensations you experienced while intoning the sounds for each symbol.

So, what are the sounds supposed to be doing to you? When intoned in the order listed above, the tones will begin to activate the lifeforce or Kundalini within you. This can manifest itself in myriad ways as listed below. Compare your notes of the sensations you experienced with those within our list below:

Sensation Experiences
Buzzing, bells, wind, chimes, tinkling, water, tone
Tingling, numbness, tickle, electric, pressure, prickly, soft
Kaleidoscope, rainbows, shadows, faces, grey, black, white, flashes, swirling, falling, lifting
State of Consciousness
Clarity, sleep, meditative, calm, loving, charged, anxious, humorous
Pulsing, slow rhythm, tidal, static, electric, drumming, buzzing
Muscle Tensing
Extremities, lower, middle, chest, neck, head
Hot, cold, warm, cool, waves, dynamic
Inner movements or flow, creeping, liquid
Happy, sad, anger, fear, grief, love, compassion, empathy

It is important to note, your experiences may be non-existent or very subtle. Where you are on your spiritual path determines where you are in awakening your Kundalini. Not only that, health is a vital factor in the ability of your senses to detect the energy within and its stirrings as it is activated. Do not take this as a failure of the test or of you, but simply an indicator of where you should start on your path to awakening.

Everyone’s experience will be different just as everyone’s body, appearance, and voice are different. We incarnate into a new manifestation, and every manifestation is different from others we may have experienced before. After I received the symbols, sounds, and meanings, I did the test myself and this is what I experienced:

  • Deep meditative state within 5 cycles
  • Muscle tensing around my Solar Plexus Chakra causing a tickle and desire to laugh
  • My entire outer skin felt like it was electrified and numb
  • There was a pressure in my head and a feeling of love and compassion
  • My body was warm, but a cool wave flowed along my spine
  • I sensed movement in my Sacral Chakra like something stirring from sleep
  • I heard a constant hum
  • I felt a buzzing, static sensation throughout my body

Now, to be fair, I had already experienced multiple risings of my Kundalini through traditional Kriya Yoga practice, so I knew the stirring was my Kundalini. But what surprised me were the experiences I was having after only 5 minutes or less of intoning these basic vowel sounds. To put that in context, I don’t usually experience such things even after 15-30 minutes of traditional Kriya Yoga practice. This indicated a powerful methodology to activate Chakras and the Kundalini. However, as I have continued my Kriya Yoga training, there are more advanced techniques that can accomplish similar things in a similar timeframe. But 5 minutes?

This test is not an exact diagnostic tool but gives you a rough idea of where you are on your path to awakening your Kundalini and gives you a suggested starting point to continue your journey. What journey? Well, the one you have been on since you were created.

We can break down the sensations into the two main bodies of our being: physical and etheric. The physical body is the traditional 5 senses we experience. The etheric body is the soul or subtle body that senses metaphysical experiences. Don’t worry if you do not know or believe in such things, because if you are a new human, you soon will.

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Physical Body Etheric Body
State of Consciousness
Muscle Tensing
Level Test Experiences Starting Point
0 Etheric Sensations
0-2 Physical Sensations
1-2 Etheric Sensations
1-3 Physical Sensations
3 or more Etheric Sensations
4 or more Physical Sensations
Kundalini Activation

If you are a new human of the new age, you may fall into the Intermediate or Advanced levels. However, if you fall into the Beginner level, don’t worry, we can help you start your journey, and if you are a new human, you will quickly advance through the levels. What once took decades for the old humans, will now take only years for the new humans. Their DNA is more advanced, and therefore so are their physical and etheric bodies. They will attune themselves to the Cosmic energy far faster and with greater efficiency than any of the old humans, and Kriya Serpent Yoga is how they will do that.

If you are an old human, it does not mean you cannot begin the spiritual path, but it may prove better for you to start by using more traditional methods rather than Kriya Serpent Yoga. When your two bodies are not ready for the rising of the Kundalini, it can be dangerous to speed up the process. It can lead to physical and psychic ailments or injuries that you do not want to experience. Think of starting on a slower and more traditional path as preparation for your next incarnation.

After consulting the table above, your starting point is where you will begin. This website will provide you with an overview of Kriya Serpent Yoga and links to the resources you need to get started. The Kriya Serpent Yoga book will contain all the techniques and wisdom you will need to proceed down this spiritual path. If after reading this book and trying Kriya Serpent Yoga you decide to be a part of our community and our mission, please join us.

We prefer you try before you buy as it were. See how powerful this yoga can be, then come back and become a member of our organization. Remember, your journey is to awaken your Kundalini, connect to the Divine, and find your purpose in this incarnation. Once you do that, you will experience the most amazing things, and feel such love, bliss, and clarity, you will wonder how you ever lived before that point. Start your journey today!

Ready to try Kriya Serpent Yoga?